Shine a light on shadow apps

ConductorOne Docs

Introducing apps, resources, and entitlements

Applications, resources, and entitlements are the key building blocks in the way ConductorOne maps all of the access your company's users have access to.

Key terms: Apps, resources, and entitlements

Applications are collections of usage data. Applications are set up in ConductorOne to mirror the software your company uses.

Applications contain resources, which are groups of permissions. ConductorOne organizes resources by resource type, such as groups, roles, teams, repositories, orgs, workspaces, and more.

Specific permissions within a resource are called entitlements. Entitlements are the individual pieces of access a user can have on a system. Available entitlements vary by application, and include permissions such as membership in a group or role; push, pull, or maintain permission on a repository; access to an application or workspace; and much more.

As shown in the example below, GitHub is an application that contains resources including the DevOps team. Users can be granted the maintainer and member entitlements on the DevOps team resource.

A screenshot of a GitHub application's Resources tab in ConductorOne with the application, resource, and entitlement names highlighted.

How to read an entitlement summary

Throughout ConductorOne, you’ll find entitlement summaries like the one shown below.

A screenshot of an entitlement summary.

These summaries present all the key information about an entitlement in a very compact package. Here’s what each element in the entitlement summary represents:

A screenshot of an entitlement summary explaining its component parts.