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Set up a Docusign connector

ConductorOne provides identity governance for DocuSign. Integrate your DocuSign instance with ConductorOne to run user access reviews (UARs) and enable just-in-time access requests.


General availability. The DocuSign connector is available to all ConductorOne users.


  • Sync user identities from DocuSign to ConductorOne

  • Resources supported:

    • Groups
    • Signing groups
    • Permission profiles

Add a new DocuSign connector

This task requires either the Connector Administrator or Super Administrator role in ConductorOne.

Does your company use multiple DocuSign accounts? If you want to integrate with multiple DocuSign accounts, it’s best to create a new application in ConductorOne for each account. (Each application will automatically be named DocuSign when it is created, but you can edit this on the application’s details page.)

Using a separate application for each account helps to ensure that you and your colleagues can choose the correct entitlements when creating access review campaigns or requesting access to DocuSign.

  1. In ConductorOne, open Admin and click Connectors > Add connector.

  2. Search for DocuSign and click Add.

  3. Choose whether to add the new DocuSign connector as a data source to an existing application (and select the app of your choice) or to create a new application.

    Do you SSO into DocuSign using your identity provider (IdP)? If so, make sure to add the connector to the DocuSign app that was created automatically when you integrated your IdP with ConductorOne, rather than creating a new app.

  1. Set the owner for this connector. You can manage the connector yourself, or choose someone else from the list of ConductorOne users. Setting multiple owners is allowed.

    A DocuSign connector owner must have the following permissions:

    • Connector Administrator or Super Administrator role in ConductorOne
    • Admin Permission Profile access in DocuSign
  1. Click Next.

Next steps

  • If you are the connector owner, proceed to Configure your DocuSign connector for instructions on integrating DocuSign with ConductorOne.

  • If someone else is the connector owner, ConductorOne will notify them by email that their help is needed to complete the setup process.

Configure your DocuSign connector

A user with the Connector Administrator or Super Administrator role in ConductorOne and Admin Permission Profile access in DocuSign must perform this task.

Step 1: Log in with OAuth

  1. In ConductorOne, navigate to the DocuSign connector by either:

    • Clicking the Set up connector link in the email you received about configuring the connector.

    • Navigate to Admin > Connectors > DocuSign (if there is more than one DocuSign listed, click the one with your name listed as owner and the status Not connected).

  2. Optional. If you have more than one DocuSign account, add the DocuSign API Account ID so that the integration is set up to pull the correct data. If you do not specify an account ID, ConductorOne will use the default account for the user (that’s likely you!) who logs into DocuSign with Oauth in Step 4. To add an account ID:

    • In DocuSign Admin, navigate to the Apps and Keys page.
    • Click to copy the API Account ID for the account you wish to integrate.
    • Return to ConductorOne. In the Settings area of the page, click Edit.
    • Paste the API Account ID into the Account ID field.
    • Click Save.
  3. Click Login with OAuth.

  4. Log in and authorize ConductorOne with your DocuSign instance.

  5. After authorizing, you’ll be redirected back to the ConductorOne integrations page, where an “Authorized as” message is now printed.

  6. The connector’s label changes to Syncing, followed by Connected. You can view the logs to ensure that information is syncing.

That’s it! Your DocuSign connector is now pulling access data into ConductorOne.

Configure the DocuSign integration using Terraform

As an alternative to the integration process described above, you can use Terraform to configure the integration between DocuSign and ConductorOne.

See the ConductorOne DocuSign integration resource page in the ConductorOne Terraform registry for example usage and the full list of required and optional parameters.